
Thursday, December 2, 2021

B & E Kete


Yesterday we had our Business And Enterprise Kete Market day we worked for weeks putting together out posters, products, fixing things in our business that probably were not going to work . My group was called Unique Creations and we sold clay rings at first we were going to do clay earrings then we were going to do clay earrings and rings but we decided it would be better to do clay rings instead . I was the Productions manger , Hollie was the CEO , Eduarda was the Marketing manager , And Eduarda and I were the Sales/Finance manager . 

The whole idea around B & E Is to sort of give you a bit of a taster in what business is like and what the roles are and to work with deadlines and having to write letters and learning how having to have a budget is how I would put it .

Some important decisions our team made was cutting out a few ideas like the clay earrings Ect. I Think that our business did very well because we sold loads of our items and we got quite a bit of money . 

Overall I think our team did very well .