
Thursday, June 4, 2020

Infomation Report 📋

Hi 👋😀

This week in school I have been writing an infomation report on Polar bears . Here is my writing .
I hope you like it .

        Polar Bears
Did you know that polar bears fur is translucent and
hollow ?
This is an information report on polar bears . It will
tell you about where Polar bears live , what they look
like , the dangers and what they eat . 

Polar Bears have quite a big diet , Polar Bears eat
seals, fish, whales and walruses. Polar Bears kill
the seals by wacking them on the head to knock
them out. When the seal heads pop out from the
breathing holes . After the seal has been knocked
out the Polar Bear pulls it out of the water , kills it ,
and then eats it .

Where do Polar Bears live ?
Polar Bears live in the snowy Arctic and they build
into snow mounds to raise their young . It is very
cold in the Arctic but their fur helps them with that

What are the dangers of a Polar Bear ?
Polar Bears don’t have many dangers due to their
large size .
But climate change & global warming is melting the
ice - the Polar Bears hunting grounds - and is melting
much quicker and for longer periods of time . Humans
are also hunting Polar Bears for their fur.

What do Polar Bears look like ?
Polar Bears have translusent hollow fur & black skin ,
they are 8 feet tall and they have large sharp claws  .

Well now you know lots of things about polar bears .
I hope you found out lots about Polar Bears.


  1. Kia ora Skyla,
    Is Cyan I really like this post maybe next time you could have a little more like y´know happier? like:
    Did you know that polar bears have transparent fur? Crazy right! other than that your post is amazing
    -Yours sincerely Cyan :)

    1. Thanks for the comment :D
      Hi Cyan I am really happy you liked my post
      - Skyla


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