
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Milk Plastic

Hi 😁 

Aim : Make milk into plastic 

Link to video : Link 

Materials : 

Method : 

  1. Pour 1 one cup of milk into a pot or microwaveable container 
  2. Heat the milk in the microwave or on the stove until steaming 
  3. Add 4 teaspoons of vinegar into a mug 
  4. add the hot milk into the mug with the vinegar 
  5. stir the mixture with a spoon 
  6. stack 4 layers of paper towels on a safe surface to get damp 
  7. scoop out the curds with a spoon and place them on the paper towels 
  8. Fold the paper towels over the curds and press down to absorb the excess liquid
  9. knead all the curds together into a ball of dough
  10. colour , shape and mold the dough as you like 
  11. you can colour the dough with food colouring 
  12. you can add glitter to make your dough sparkle 
  13. you can use cookie cutters to shape your dough 
  14. or you can sculpt it with your hands 
How did the consistency of the milk change during the plastic making process 

The milk curdled and lumped up then separated then just sat there  


Thursday, June 24, 2021

Rainbow paper

 Hi 😁 

Aim :To separate colours by using the process of chromatography 

Definition :Chromatography is a method of separating out materials from a mixture using liquid 


1.Boiling tube 

2.Filter Paper

3.Water based felt



6.Test Tube stand 

7. Ruler 

8. pencil


  1. Cut your piece of paper with scissors 
  2. Rule a line 1 cm from the bottom of the paper strip 
  3. Put 8 ml of water in boiling tube 
  4. Draw 2 colored pen dots on the line 
  5. Drop the paper strip into the boiling and once it is touching the water at the bottom you can crease the top of the paper over 
  6. Watch and take two photos then observe the chromatography 


Capillary Action - 
  1. the tendency of a liquid in a capillary tube or absorbent material to rise or fall as a result of surface tension. 

Filter Paper -
  1. a piece of porous paper for filtering liquids, used especially in chemical processes and coffee-making.

Solvent -

the liquid in which a solute is dissolved to form a solution


Green changed the most 
There was yellow and blue in the green 
Green traveled the farthest 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Gummy Bears Osmosis

 Hi 😁

Aim :

To find out what happens to gummy bears when we put them in different liquids

Predictions :

I think that the gummy bears will grow in the liquids 

Method  : 


  • Three solutions - water sugar and salt
  • 4 gummy bears of the same colour 
  • 2 Petri dishes
  • Marker pen 
  • Electronic balance 
  • Measuring cylinder
  • Beaker 
  1. Get your equipment
  2. Label Petri Dishes DRY ,WATER ,SALT WATER ,SUGAR WATER 
  3. Weigh the gummy bears and record their weight on the Petri dish 
  4. Add 40mls of solution to the Petri dishes




Weight changed





Sugar water




Salt water




Friday, June 4, 2021

Hand on fire !

 Hi 😁

AIM : To safely light my hands of fire , 

4 thing you need to safely do this activity 

  1. Keeping your hands up high , not low
  2. Goggles 
  3. Keeping your hair back
  4. listening to the teacher 

Equipment you will need 

  • Detergent
  • Safety glasses
  • Lighter 
  • Gas
  • Tray
  • Hose 
Instructions :
  1. Collect your equipment
  2. Put some water in the tray 
  3. Squirt some detergent 
  4. Put on some safety glasses 
  5. Tie any hair back 
  6. Take off any jewelry 
  7. Wet your hands wrists and arms 
  8. Bubble the gas into the water 
  9. Scoop the bubbles but not the water 
  10. Hold the bubbles in front of your face with your arms locked