
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Rainbow paper

 Hi 😁 

Aim :To separate colours by using the process of chromatography 

Definition :Chromatography is a method of separating out materials from a mixture using liquid 


1.Boiling tube 

2.Filter Paper

3.Water based felt



6.Test Tube stand 

7. Ruler 

8. pencil


  1. Cut your piece of paper with scissors 
  2. Rule a line 1 cm from the bottom of the paper strip 
  3. Put 8 ml of water in boiling tube 
  4. Draw 2 colored pen dots on the line 
  5. Drop the paper strip into the boiling and once it is touching the water at the bottom you can crease the top of the paper over 
  6. Watch and take two photos then observe the chromatography 


Capillary Action - 
  1. the tendency of a liquid in a capillary tube or absorbent material to rise or fall as a result of surface tension. 

Filter Paper -
  1. a piece of porous paper for filtering liquids, used especially in chemical processes and coffee-making.

Solvent -

the liquid in which a solute is dissolved to form a solution


Green changed the most 
There was yellow and blue in the green 
Green traveled the farthest 

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