
Thursday, December 2, 2021

B & E Kete


Yesterday we had our Business And Enterprise Kete Market day we worked for weeks putting together out posters, products, fixing things in our business that probably were not going to work . My group was called Unique Creations and we sold clay rings at first we were going to do clay earrings then we were going to do clay earrings and rings but we decided it would be better to do clay rings instead . I was the Productions manger , Hollie was the CEO , Eduarda was the Marketing manager , And Eduarda and I were the Sales/Finance manager . 

The whole idea around B & E Is to sort of give you a bit of a taster in what business is like and what the roles are and to work with deadlines and having to write letters and learning how having to have a budget is how I would put it .

Some important decisions our team made was cutting out a few ideas like the clay earrings Ect. I Think that our business did very well because we sold loads of our items and we got quite a bit of money . 

Overall I think our team did very well . 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Red Cabbage indicator

All solutions have a pH. Acid solutions, have lower pH.

Alkaline solutions, have higher pH.

Substances that aren't acidic or alkaline (that is, neutral solutions)

usually have a pH of 7.

Acids have a pH that is less than 7.

Alkalis have a pH that is greater than 7


  1. Red Cabbage

  2. Knife

  3. Bunsen Burner

  4. Beaker

  5. Water


  1. Cut the cabbage into small pieces.

  2. Place the cabbage in the beaker and fill it with 50 ml of water.

  3. Once the cabbage has boiled for 2 minutes turn it off and leave it to cool down.

  4. Once it has cooled remove the cabbage leaves and use the red water as

  5. an indicator.

Complete the quiz below:

The ph scale ranges from what numbers?

Name 4 substabces that are acidic?

Name 4 substances that are basic?

Name another pH indicator used in a science lab?

By using red cabbage as an indicator we can determine what the pH level is of


Tuesday, November 16, 2021


 Baking Soda is also known as Sodium Bicarbonate.Due to its abrasive and cleaning properties it is used as a raising agent in baking, as a household cleaner and in a number of other ways.

My 10 uses of baking soda are:

  1. Whiten your teeth

  2. Mouthwash

  3. To treat heartburn

  4. May relive itchy skin and sunburns

  5. May slow the progression of chronic kidney disease

  6. Deodorant

  7. Soothe canker sores

  8. Fix fridge odors

  9. Baking

  10. To remove stains

Making Sherbet

We need to write down our equipment and the steps we will go through to make our sherbet.

Once we have completed the materials and steps we can make sherbet.

While you are eating your sherbet you can answer the 5 questions at the end.


  1. Sugar

  2. Baking Soda

  3. Raro Crystals

  4. Citric Acid

  5. Tartaric acid


1. Add the baking soda sugar and citric acid together in a bowl

2. And the raro crystals and tartaric acid together

3. Add all ingredients together and place in a plastic bag

4. Mix it together well and and eat it .


1 teaspoon of powdered drink crystals (eg Raro)

1/4 teaspoon of citric acid

1 teaspoon of Icing Sugar

1/4 teaspoon Baking Soda.


1. Which two ingredients in the sherbet are involved in the chemical reaction?

2. Which ingredients are not involved?

3. Can you think of any other chemical reactions that might happen in the kitchen?

4. Which ingredient is an acid?

5. Which ingredient is a base?

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Blind taste testing


  1. Samples 1-9

  2. Blindfold glasses

  3. Recording chart

  4. Ice cream stick taster


Get safety glasses and make a blindfold.
Set up your chart and make sure that the person you are working with knows
where to record your responses.
Using an ice-cream stick you will dip it into the Sample.
Once the sample is on the stick you will taste it and tell your partner your response.
There will be 2 Answers.
At taste test one you need to hold your nose.
Answer 1. Is it sweet, sour, salty, bitter. Record it.
Answer 2. What do you think it is. Record it.
Repeat this for the next samples but you will only need to use your
ice cream stick taster for samples 1-4.

Thursday, October 28, 2021




  • 1.Hot chilli sauce 
  • 2.Coke Milk and water 
  • 3.Popsicle stick 
  • 4.Timer   

Method :

  1. Get your equipment ready
  2. Get a drop of hot of hot sauce on you Popsicle
  3. Lick the Hot chilli sauce 
  4. Start the timer
  5. After 2 mins drink your drink 
  6.  After 5 mins How hot is your mouth ?
  7. Repeat But with a different drink 


Effect out of ten 







Tuesday, October 19, 2021


 Hi 😁 

Aim : To learn about bacteria and how they grow 

Equiptment : 

  • 1. Agar dish 
  • 2. Cotton bub swab 
  • 3. Vivid pen 
  • 4. Tape 

Method :

1. Collect the bacteria on a cotton bud swab from taps , computer keyboards or desks 

2. Divide the agar in half by drawing a line on the lid 

3. Wipe the swab onto the agar solution then put tape on so the lid doesn't fall off 

4. Put the petri dish into the incubator for 1 week to alow the bacteria 

5. Draw and label a bacteria 

6. Draw and label a scientific diagram of the experiment 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021


 Hi 😁

Caption: In this tableau we where displaying a scene from the legend Maui you can see this because there are the 4 brothers on the waka and Maui is hiding underneath .

A) What worked well in this tableau ? : i think we used levels really well and we were not doing the same thing . 

B) What could they do to improve ? Maybe some more facial expressions and maybe focus a bit more on stillness and being a bit more serious .  

C) We are using levels with the four brothers on the waka and Maui very low under the waka and Maui using facial expressions .