
Monday, April 20, 2020

My Cake 😋😋😋😋😋

Hello ,

After doing my worksheet and the maths on the ruru blog mum said we could bake a cake ourselves. I followed the recipe from kidspot . It was alot of fun and we decorated it with rainbow sprinkles and chocolate icing . It also tasted amazing nom nom nom 😋😋😋😋😋


  1. Hi Skyla. What a yummy looking cake you and your sister made. I love baking but my favourite part is eating all the goodies after they are cooked hehe. My favourite thing to bake is savoury scones. Do you have a favourite recipe? Its great to see your smiling face keep up the great work.

    1. Thanks for the comment so far the chocolate cake has been the best so far. It REALLY tasted good !!!!!

  2. Hi Skyla
    Your cake looks really yummy. I really like the sprinkles on the top. It makes me hungry just looking at your photos. My family and I have been doing a lot of baking during lockdown, have you baked anything else?

  3. thanks for the commment . I have been doing alot of baking myself today for breakfast me and zoey made pancakes

  4. Hey Skyla! Its Me Sadie
    Yes that Cake does look Delicious
    Maybe next time dont add as much sprinkles but i'm sure it tasted Amazing!
    I myself Did some baking on my mums birthday and it look like yours! just without sprinkles
    Well done on the Amazing work!
    Kind Regards Sadie 😛😁👍

    1. Thanks for the comment sadie :)
      it did taste amazing !!!!!
      i did not put the sprinkels on thought other wise i would have put MUCH more on !

    2. Hahaha
      More the merrier 😂😂😂


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