
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Jewellery making 💍


Today I started working on my sea challege I've been learning heaps Hope I can finish it soon . There is ALOT Of info to work with . 
Today I am going to share some jewellery I did earlier in lockdown . We got metal templates and had to put glue on them. Then glitter. The colours of the glitter were purple , blue , pink , green , and iridescent. After the glitter (which went every were and mum had to vacuum ALOT she was vacuuming glitter for DAYS) we had to put more glue so we could put on plastic domes to give tham a cool effect . Here are some photos . For the pendants We later put string so we can wear them . 


  1. Hi Skyla
    Wow your jewellery is absolutely beautiful what a great job you have done creating. Its great to see all the awesome stuff you have been doing while in lockdown.

  2. Thanks for the comment
    Thank you I think they were beautiful too !


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