
Monday, May 11, 2020

Mothers Day 💜

Hi 👋😀

Since yesterday was Mothers Day I decided to dedicate this post to my mum. For Mothers Day we watched movies and had snacks and fizz. We let her sleep in and we had mcdonalds for lunch and for dinner we had a very yummy roast pork . We also got her chocolate. Here is my interview with my mum so you guys can get to know her. I also made her an award for being the best mum .


Did you like Mothers Day ? 
yes you guys did very well and I enjoyed it alot .

What is your favourite movie ?
my favourite movie would have to be ... I can't pick one but I love all off the Conjuring series and alot of other horror movies .

What is your favourite meal/food ?
My actual all time favourite is nachos with sour cream.

What is your favourite photo of me and you ?
My favourite photo that we have is hard to pick but if i had to pick one it would have to be this one

Why did you call me Skyla ? 
I called you skyla because one day I heard that name and thought it was pretty so when I found out I was having a girl I decided to call you skyla .

What is your favourite song ? 
I don't really know my favourite song changes all the time But if i had to pick one it would be Vermilion by Slipknot.

What is your favourite animal ?
my favourite animal has always been tigers ever since I was little .

What is your favourite colour ?
It is black and my close second is purple.

What is your least favourite food ? 
Tuna I really hate tuna and anchovies.

What was your favourite and least favourite subject in school ?
my favourite subject was science and my least favourite was math .

What is a cute memory of me ? 
my favourite cute memory of you as a baby was if some one sung row row row your boat you would sit on the floor and rock backward and forwards like you were on a boat.

What is your favorite game ? 
my favourite game is oblivion .

What was your favourite thing to do as a kid ?
My favourite thing to do as a kid was with my dad I used to play spotlight with torches It was really fun.

What is your favourite holiday ?
Halloween , it is my all time favourite holiday.

Where were you born ?
Melbourne , Australia.

What is your favourite fruit ?
My favourite fruit has to be a nectarine .

That interview was very fun.

Things I love about my mum

  • When she bakes 
  • Getting hugs and cuddles 
  • She gives me good advice
  • She is funny
  • She makes VERY yummy dinners
  • She makes sure we have everything we need 
  • I love it when we watch movies in her bed
  • I like when we play games together ( like skyblock )
  • She is good and cheering me up when I'm sad 
  • She is good at looking afer me when I am sick 
  • She dances funny :p
  • When she play pranks us
  • When she helps us do arts and crafts

Poems for Mothers Day 

Roses are red
Voilets are blue 
Sugar is sweet 
And so are you I love you 


Mum is the best !
Outstanding baking !
The best at everything !
Her talents are amazing !
Excellent crafting !
Really caring 
Super cuddles

Does so much 
Amazing cook 
Yay for mum ! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hi skyla its madds the pictures pictures are really cute,things i really like about the Interview let me know more about your mum and her favorite holiday is my birthday ,the poem tells so much
    MISS YOU :)
    From madds

  3. Hi Skyla, wow, it sounds like your Mum had an awesome Mothers day. What a great idea to interview your Mum. Well done!

  4. thanks for the comment
    glad you liked it :)


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