
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Internet πŸ’»

Hi πŸ‘‹πŸ˜€

Today we had our internet changed to fibre which meant we had no internet for a couple of hours. It had me thinking what is  the internet ? So i decided to do a slide about internet . This has been the hardest topic I have done  because there is so much info about it . Here is my slide.

Also mum made doughnut bites , They were good next time i am going to help. We watched Puss in Boots too since Karlie hasn't seen it.


  1. Hi Skyla
    This is a great slide I love that you have chosen something to research that we rely so much on during these times. Thank you for also adding in a video you are definitely adding to your cyber smarts it is great to see. The doughnut bites your mum made sound delicious you are very lucky to be eating such yummy food. How did you feel being without the internet for a few hours? In my bubble our internet is connected to everything so it would be a big change but I think it would be a good change because we would spend that time together as a family playing even more games.

  2. Thanks for the comment
    It was fine with no internet And we had lots of fun


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