
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

SLJ fishy false teeth

 Hi 👋😀

This SlJ task was to make a comic using a template in a set of slides here is mine ( not fineshed )

Monday, December 14, 2020

Sequences and Patterns

 Hi 👋😀

This week for math we did patterns and sequences . We had to make a pattern out of symbols and out of numbers on a google drawing . See if you can figure it out ! 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Friday, October 23, 2020

week 2 create task

 Hi 👋😀

This week week for reading we had to do something like last week I had to choose a another animal I giraffes because I really like them and hoped I will learn something know about them.Here is my 5 questions and two tasks.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Types of Medias

 Hi 👋😀

W.A.L.T Desribe different forms of medias 

Media is… 

A shared platform where info is easily accessed in a variety of forms , eg. radio , books and the internet .

For this weeks cybersmarts lesson we had to create a D.L.O on the different types of medias . I made mine on a drawing because it is a lot easier and quicker . Here it is .

Friday, October 16, 2020

Week 1 create task

 Hi 👋😀

W.A.L.T understand what we are reading about by answering questions about a text . 

This week for reading we had to chose a book about an animal . I chose pandas because I love how cute they are and wanted to know more about them . For the create task we had to answer 5 questions and make 2 create tasks . Here is my D.L.O .

Friday, September 18, 2020

Week 9 Create Tasks

 Hi  👋😀

Because it is Maori Language Week we did Maori create tasks . The minimum of 4 . I decided to put mine in a slides show because it would be easier to present . Here it is ! 

Monday, September 14, 2020

My Science Expirment 💥

 Hi 👋😀

This week for Science we had to create our own expeiment here is ours  

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

My Monster Pick-a-Path 👾

Hi 👋😀

This week and last week our whole class has been working on a monster pick-a-path .
We had to choose a picture for our setting . Then plan our 5 senses ( which we were going to turn into paragraphs ) Then collaborated on a plan .Then wrote out the 5 paragraphs . Then we introduced the  monsters . Then put in the problem and solution . Then put into the SlideShow I'm about to show you .
Well here it is .

Monday, August 17, 2020

Nana's Story 👵

 Hi 👋😀

This week we had to predict what would happen next in our story . I chose the book 'Nana's story' We also had to summarise what happened here is my sumary and my prediction . 

Monday, August 10, 2020

The day my dad stole my christmas present 🎁

 Hi 👋😀

This week in reading we had to make an animation on the most important scene in the book . Here is mine .

Thursday, August 6, 2020

2d And 3d Shapes ! ☐

Hi 👋😀

This term every Tuesday for math we are doing geometry.We got told to make a slide 3 2D shapes and 3 3D shapes . We had to show the properties of the 2D and 3D shapes here is my slide! Do you know any more shapes ? Leave me a comment ! what could I do to inprove this ? 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

10 Facts About Matariki ✨

Hi 👋😀

As you know from my last blog post , this week we are doing Matariki tasks . I made a Piktochart . We had to put 10 facts in it .Here it is .

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Matariki Art 💫

Hi 👋😀

This week in reading we were doing matariki Reading we were doing matariki Reading tasks .
I did a pastel stary night sky . First we put a mountain stencil cut out by Mrs.Lee, then chose some colours and smudge them around the stencil . Then we put 7 stars using white and yellow pastel . Then waa laa !!! Here is my finshed product.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Week 11 Math Strategy 🤔

Hi 👋😀

W.A.L.T To solve using repeated addition and the multiplication facts I know.
Like my last post this will be a math strategy . I will probably be doing this weekly . Here is my week 11 strategy .

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Turnabouts Strategy 🤔

Hi 👋😀

W.A.L.T change the order of numbers to make multiplication easier
This week in math we were told to to a D.L.O on the strategy my math group is working on . Here is my slide . 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Giraffe Report 🦒

Hi 👋😀

This week My writing group was doing another infomation report on what ever animal you liked i chose Giraffes because I don't know much about them and I think they are fascinating.
Here is my report.

Giraffe Report 🦒

Do you like Giraffes ?
Well you are in luck because this information report is on Giraffes .
In this information report you will find out about where Giraffes live ,
what they eat , what they look like and their dangers . 

Where do Giraffes live ?
Giraffes live in savannas in Africa . South of the sahara desert . It is very
hot but the Giraffe's tougue helps with that .

What do Giraffes eat ? 
Giraffes eat lots of leaves . The leaves they eat the most are Acacia leaves .
They also eat thorns , flowers , fruit & seeds . They eat 75 pounds of
leaves a day .

What are the dangers & predators of a Giraffe ? 
The dangers of a Giraffe are humans , Humans are destroying their habitat
as well as killing and hunting them . Lions & hyenas are also hunting & eating
them .  

What do Giraffes look like ?
They can be black yellow and white . They have a very long neck and
two hairy horns on the top of their heads called ossicones. They have
black and blue tougues and they are the tallest land animal , 20 feet tall . 
Because Giraffes can not really groom themselves they ooze chemicals to
keep bacteria & bugs away But it makes them smell very bad .

Now you know lots about where Giraffes live , what they eat , what they
look like & their dangers . I hope you  learnt a lot . Would you keep a
Giraffe a pet ? 

Friday, June 12, 2020

Food In China 🍔

Hi 👋😀

This week Mrs.Lee told my group (The Jetplanes) to do a D.L.O on China I decided to do it on the food since last time I did the country it self . Here is my drawing .

Friday, June 5, 2020

4 popular landmarks of China 🇨🇳

Hi 👋😀

Today for reading i decided to finshe my create task in reading here is my slide .

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Infomation Report 📋

Hi 👋😀

This week in school I have been writing an infomation report on Polar bears . Here is my writing .
I hope you like it .

        Polar Bears
Did you know that polar bears fur is translucent and
hollow ?
This is an information report on polar bears . It will
tell you about where Polar bears live , what they look
like , the dangers and what they eat . 

Polar Bears have quite a big diet , Polar Bears eat
seals, fish, whales and walruses. Polar Bears kill
the seals by wacking them on the head to knock
them out. When the seal heads pop out from the
breathing holes . After the seal has been knocked
out the Polar Bear pulls it out of the water , kills it ,
and then eats it .

Where do Polar Bears live ?
Polar Bears live in the snowy Arctic and they build
into snow mounds to raise their young . It is very
cold in the Arctic but their fur helps them with that

What are the dangers of a Polar Bear ?
Polar Bears don’t have many dangers due to their
large size .
But climate change & global warming is melting the
ice - the Polar Bears hunting grounds - and is melting
much quicker and for longer periods of time . Humans
are also hunting Polar Bears for their fur.

What do Polar Bears look like ?
Polar Bears have translusent hollow fur & black skin ,
they are 8 feet tall and they have large sharp claws  .

Well now you know lots of things about polar bears .
I hope you found out lots about Polar Bears.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Nadia Comaneci 🏆

Hi 👋😀

Today for a reaserch project I decided to do it on a person who did amazing things , I chose Nadia Comaneci , A gymnast . Here is Her story .

Nadia Comaneci

" You must figure out your own destination and the best route to get there no one else knows the way. " - Nadia Comaneci 

File:Nadia Comăneci 1976b.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
When Nadia was only 6 years old the only thing she wanted to was cartwheels and and in the time she lived in cartwheels were quite a big deal in Romania (where she was from) but she did not know that . Then one day she was playing around in her schoolyard when a famous gymnast trainer Bela Karolyi spotted her , and thought that if he trained her good she would be amazing . But training was hard , when any of the kid he was training made a mistake he would hit and beat them . They all trained 6 houra a day , 7 days a week . He really wanted his gymnasts to be beautiful and perfect . And Nadia was perfect ... quite literally . When she was 14 she scored a perfect 10 in the Olympic Games . No gymnast had ever got a perfect score before . But she got so famous that the roman leade was getting worried that she would overshadow him so he did not let her leave the country only for competing . So Nadia decided to escape . In the morning she walked for 6 whole hours though mud and more . she moved to the U.S had a family and started a business . She loved gymnastics and worked lots to promote it just the way she liked to ... as a free woman

I have learnt all of this reading Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls 2 which is writen by Francesca Cavallo & Elena Favilli . It is a good book that has alot of good women in it that have done amazing things I hope one day I can be in one of these books . I chose this Woman becasue I love gymnasics and hope one day I can be a professional gymnast. I can do cartwheels , one handed cartwheels , handstands , one handed handstands , and round offs . 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Coronavirus 😷

Hi 👋😀 

It was good to see everyone in the group call today.Because we are going back to school soon and we were talking about how things would be like. I decided to do a slide on coronavirus here is my slide.

I am VERY excited to be going back to school and seeing all my friends and teachers. I also can't wait for winter sports. I really want to do netball with my friends.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Book review 📖

Hi 👋😀 

Was cool to see the Deano live show for Wigram Primary today , I watched it with my sister zoey she really liked it 😃 . Today I decided to make my post a book review about my favourite book , Aurora Rising

Aurora Rising :

Author(s) : Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff 
Published by : Allem & Unwin in 2019 
Genre: Fiction , drama , mystery , Space

Plot: It is about a girl called Aurora who's history and every trace of her and her colony has been erased and the G.I.A is looking to take and kill her so she does not cause any damage but she can't control it .

Event one - Tyler Jones can't sleep and it is the day before the draft and he goes on a ship ride and finds Auri / Aurora In a tube in the crashed ship set for A planet and she is saved and put in black clothing But Tyler misses the draft .

Event two - scarlett goes through her ex-boyfriends on her phone as they make up a plan to break into a persons house to take the statue that Auri has seen in a dream

Event three- The crew manages to get to the planet that Auri was set to go to and they find out it was gone for a reason ...

Setting: they are on space crafts and go to different planets .

Main character: 

Name - Aurora O'Malley

Personality - mystrerios , strange , nice , curious

Physical appearance - black and white hair , blue and black eyes , black clothing 

How I feel about this character and why - I feel bad for her because she just wants to go home.

My star rating - 10 out of 10 It a cool book i like the layout and suspence. 

Monday, May 11, 2020

Mothers Day 💜

Hi 👋😀

Since yesterday was Mothers Day I decided to dedicate this post to my mum. For Mothers Day we watched movies and had snacks and fizz. We let her sleep in and we had mcdonalds for lunch and for dinner we had a very yummy roast pork . We also got her chocolate. Here is my interview with my mum so you guys can get to know her. I also made her an award for being the best mum .


Did you like Mothers Day ? 
yes you guys did very well and I enjoyed it alot .

What is your favourite movie ?
my favourite movie would have to be ... I can't pick one but I love all off the Conjuring series and alot of other horror movies .

What is your favourite meal/food ?
My actual all time favourite is nachos with sour cream.

What is your favourite photo of me and you ?
My favourite photo that we have is hard to pick but if i had to pick one it would have to be this one

Why did you call me Skyla ? 
I called you skyla because one day I heard that name and thought it was pretty so when I found out I was having a girl I decided to call you skyla .

What is your favourite song ? 
I don't really know my favourite song changes all the time But if i had to pick one it would be Vermilion by Slipknot.

What is your favourite animal ?
my favourite animal has always been tigers ever since I was little .

What is your favourite colour ?
It is black and my close second is purple.

What is your least favourite food ? 
Tuna I really hate tuna and anchovies.

What was your favourite and least favourite subject in school ?
my favourite subject was science and my least favourite was math .

What is a cute memory of me ? 
my favourite cute memory of you as a baby was if some one sung row row row your boat you would sit on the floor and rock backward and forwards like you were on a boat.

What is your favorite game ? 
my favourite game is oblivion .

What was your favourite thing to do as a kid ?
My favourite thing to do as a kid was with my dad I used to play spotlight with torches It was really fun.

What is your favourite holiday ?
Halloween , it is my all time favourite holiday.

Where were you born ?
Melbourne , Australia.

What is your favourite fruit ?
My favourite fruit has to be a nectarine .

That interview was very fun.

Things I love about my mum

  • When she bakes 
  • Getting hugs and cuddles 
  • She gives me good advice
  • She is funny
  • She makes VERY yummy dinners
  • She makes sure we have everything we need 
  • I love it when we watch movies in her bed
  • I like when we play games together ( like skyblock )
  • She is good and cheering me up when I'm sad 
  • She is good at looking afer me when I am sick 
  • She dances funny :p
  • When she play pranks us
  • When she helps us do arts and crafts

Poems for Mothers Day 

Roses are red
Voilets are blue 
Sugar is sweet 
And so are you I love you 


Mum is the best !
Outstanding baking !
The best at everything !
Her talents are amazing !
Excellent crafting !
Really caring 
Super cuddles

Does so much 
Amazing cook 
Yay for mum ! 

Friday, May 8, 2020

Ruru sea challenge 🐢

Hi 👋😀

I finally finshed my sea challenge on the Ruru blog! The hardest part was the google drawing I did of the coral reef eco system. The plankton was VERY hard they did not want to go where I wanted them to . Reseaching coral reefs has made me want to visit one . My favourite animal is the turtle. Here is my slide .

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Jewellery making 💍


Today I started working on my sea challege I've been learning heaps Hope I can finish it soon . There is ALOT Of info to work with . 
Today I am going to share some jewellery I did earlier in lockdown . We got metal templates and had to put glue on them. Then glitter. The colours of the glitter were purple , blue , pink , green , and iridescent. After the glitter (which went every were and mum had to vacuum ALOT she was vacuuming glitter for DAYS) we had to put more glue so we could put on plastic domes to give tham a cool effect . Here are some photos . For the pendants We later put string so we can wear them . 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Party Hat And Soft Play Dough 🥳


For Elise's birthday we were asked to make party hats heres mine 

I used paper for the cone and glue to stick it so it stayed like that . I did not use glue for the pom-pom and the sequin flowers, I used sparkly pipe cleaners to fasten the sequin flowers and for the pom-pom I used the same pipe cleaners , I got the end of the pipe cleaner and stuck it into the pom-pom then got the other end of it and stuck it down a hole at the top. 

Happy birthday Elise 🥳

Soft Play Dough

Today me and zoey made soft play dough , This is the recipe that we used. Link .
It was really easy we only needed two ingredients , corn flour and conditioner. It is SO SOFT .

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Internet 💻

Hi 👋😀

Today we had our internet changed to fibre which meant we had no internet for a couple of hours. It had me thinking what is  the internet ? So i decided to do a slide about internet . This has been the hardest topic I have done  because there is so much info about it . Here is my slide.

Also mum made doughnut bites , They were good next time i am going to help. We watched Puss in Boots too since Karlie hasn't seen it.

Monday, May 4, 2020

My Acrostic Poem And Haiku 🌹

Hi 👋😀

Was good to seee every one in the group 1 meeting today , my baby sister even made a apperance !
In the meeting Miss Lee talked about the poems on the school blog and so here are mine.

                                            The Red Roses Petals
                                          The Red Roses Petals Fall 
                                           And They Fall Like Blood 



My weekend
This weekend now that it is level three we all went to the beach and practiced social distancing (keeping two metres apart from other people) I got to do lots of cartwheels and handstands and It was nice to get out the house and do something other than walking around the neighborhood . Heres a photo of me in a mid-cartwheel .

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Karlie car 🚗

Hi 👋😀



So a few days ago I put my baby sister in a banana box a pulled her around she really seemed to like it .
So I decided to To put vivid decorations on to it to make it look like she had her very own car. Then I decided to step it up a bit and cut her out a moving door so she can get in and out of her car. I added a string to make it easier for me to pull her , (She's getting heavy) . After more thought every car needs a paint-job so I wanted to give it one. I could not decide what colour so i put all four paints that I got from my friend Madds .After the paint was dry I got a vivid and re-drew the lights,number-plate,door and bumper. Here are some cute photos of the finished product. I got Karlies seal of approval.


Friday, April 24, 2020

Galaxy Scratch Art 🎨

Hi 👋😀

I said in my last post that I would share my scratch art when I had finished it. Today is finally that day!!!!! I worked very hard on these and had to use a small sharp tool to scratch the top layer to show the nice galaxy layer underneath. Here are the pictures

The dream catcher one is my favorite and it took me the longest. The One that challeged me the most was the mermaid tail ( SO MANY TINY LINES ) hope you like them 🎨 I really enjoy art 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Earth Day 🌏

Hello 👋😀

Today is Earth Day . Earth Day is a yearly day to bring awareness to keeping our planet happy and healthy. Things like recycling, saving water, cleaning up trash and planting trees.Today for Earth Day I decided to research what the Earth is made up of. Here is my slide show. 

Today I also did some recycling with my dad and learnt about checking symbols on things to see if they can be recycled.

Happy Earth Day everyone lets look after our planet


Monday, April 20, 2020

My Cake 😋😋😋😋😋

Hello ,

After doing my worksheet and the maths on the ruru blog mum said we could bake a cake ourselves. I followed the recipe from kidspot . It was alot of fun and we decorated it with rainbow sprinkles and chocolate icing . It also tasted amazing nom nom nom 😋😋😋😋😋

Friday, March 13, 2020


                             MY GOAL FOR 2020  

Hi skyla here i have not done a blog post  in a while so here is an up to date one .
This is my goal for this year . I hope I can achieve it . And if you have a goal try your HARDEST. If I manage to achieve this I will set myself a new one .This is a new year . I have  new friends ( not ) Please comment , and maybe share tell me if you have a goal .

my animation about solar power ( the pandas name is Floof )